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  • Writer's pictureDinesh Sharma

Height of Bed After Hip Replacement: Ideal Bed Height and Safe Techniques for Recovery

Updated: Apr 13

Bed height after hip replacement

Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure performed to alleviate pain and restore mobility in individuals with hip joint issues. The recovery process after a hip replacement is crucial for the success of the surgery, and one often overlooked aspect is the height of the bed. In this article, we will explore why Bed Height for Hip Replacement is essential and provide detailed tips on how to adjust the bed height for a safe and comfortable recovery.

What is a Hip Replacement?

A hip replacement, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which a damaged or arthritic hip joint is replaced with an artificial joint made of metal, plastic, or ceramic components. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals suffering from severe hip pain and reduced joint function due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or hip fractures.

What is the Recovery Process for a Hip Replacement?

After hip replacement surgery, the initial focus is on post-operative care and rehabilitation. Physical therapy plays a significant role in restoring strength, flexibility, and joint mobility. As the patient gradually recovers, they are encouraged to resume normal daily activities, including sitting, standing, and getting in and out of bed.

Why is the Height of the Bed Important After a Hip Replacement?

The Bed Height for Hip Replacement is a crucial factor to consider during the recovery process after a hip replacement for several reasons:

Minimizing Hip Strain: The ideal Bed Height for Hip Replacement for someone who has had a hip replacement is at least 2 inches above the knee height. This adjustable bed height allows the person to sit on the edge of the bed without bending their hip more than 90 degrees. Bending the hip beyond 90 degrees can put stress on the new hip joint and increase the risk of complications.

Safe Mobility: A bed at the appropriate height makes it easier for patients to get in and out of bed without excessive strain on the hip joint. It promotes safe mobility and reduces the risk of falls or injuries during the recovery period. Consider using a bedside urinal to minimize trips to the bathroom.

Ideal Bed Height:

To determine the ideal bed height for hip replacement, follow these simple steps:

Measure Knee Height: While standing barefoot, measure the distance from the floor to the back of your knee.

Add 2 Inches: Add 2 inches to the measured knee height. This total height will be the ideal bed height for your post-surgery recovery.

How to Adjust the Bed Height:

If your current bed height does not match the ideal height, you can easily adjust it using bed risers. Bed risers are small, adjustable platforms that can be placed under the legs of your bed to raise it up. Here's how to do it:

Determine Bed Frame Type: Identify whether you have a metal or wooden bed frame. The type of frame will determine the bed risers you need.

Metal Bed Frame: For metal bed frames, use bed risers that screw into the legs of the bed securely. These risers provide a stable base for your bed.

Wooden Bed Frame: For wooden bed frames, choose bed risers that fit over the legs of the bed. These risers are easy to install and won't damage your bed frame.

Sturdiness: Ensure that the bed risers are sturdy and stable to avoid any wobbling or accidents. Look for high-quality materials that can support the weight of the bed and the individual using it.

Tips for Getting in and Out of Bed Safely:

Proper techniques for getting in and out of bed are crucial to protect the new hip joint and facilitate a smooth recovery. Here are some tips:

Bed tips after hip replacement

Use Assistive Devices: Consider using a transfer board or a gait belt to aid in safe transfers from the bed to a chair or the floor. These devices provide support and reduce strain on the hip joint, making movement more comfortable.

Engage Your Arms: Utilize your arms to help with movement and reduce pressure on the hip. Place your hands on the bed and push yourself up while keeping your back straight. This technique eases the strain on the hip joint and promotes proper alignment.

Bend Your Knees: Keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor when getting in and out of bed. Avoid sudden movements and twisting motions to protect the hip joint and prevent unnecessary strain.

Seek Assistance if Needed: If you experience difficulty in getting in and out of bed, don't hesitate to seek help from a friend or family member. Having assistance during the early stages of recovery can prevent accidents and ensure a smooth healing process.


The Bed Height for Hip Replacement is a critical factor to consider during the recovery process after hip replacement. By ensuring the bed is at an appropriate height and following safe techniques for mobility, you can protect your new hip joint and make your recovery journey smoother and more comfortable. Taking the time to adjust the Bed Height for Hip Replacement and utilizing assistive devices will ultimately contribute to a successful and rewarding hip replacement recovery.

Remember, consult with your healthcare provider or physical therapist for personalized guidance based on your specific condition and needs. Your recovery is unique, and following professional advice will help you achieve the best possible outcome after your hip replacement surgery.

For comprehensive insights into hip surgery and recovery, browse through our related articles.

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