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Travelling in COVID? Remember These Little Things

Writer's picture: Saket AgarwalSaket Agarwal

Travel during COVID

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented changes in the lifestyle of many people. From daily activities like shopping, going to the office, schooling all have changed, changes even in the sector of entertainment can be seen, like the closing of all cinema halls and traveling under restrictions.

Till a vaccine with good efficacy can be found all of these constraints have to be included in our day-to-day life. Many people are confused regarding the travel restrictions that have been implied by the government as they keep on changing from time to time. Nonetheless, some common protocols are always present in all of these guidelines.

Below Is A List Of Things To Consider Before Traveling

The Place You Are Traveling To

Be it a business trip to Bangalore or a short-vacation in Kerala, it is important to understand the current scenario of the place you are traveling to, as it will have the largest effect on the way you are going to travel. Check for the latest tally of the number of cases in that particular state or country you are traveling to.

Checking in With The Guidelines

Before traveling, be it national or international, the proper guidelines issued by the government of that particular state or country should be thoroughly read and understood. As in India, there have been state-wise guidelines issued by their respective governments, hence, it becomes important to be familiar with the proper protocols to make your journeys smooth.

Getting Yourself Checked

Even if the instructions do not say so, of the place you are traveling to, you must still take a rapid antibody test for COVID before leaving your home and also before traveling back. This will keep you and the people around you safe from any kind of carelessness.

Creating a Go-to Emergency List

Here an emergency list will imply that if in any case, you contract the virus then you must know the hospitals to reach out to in that case. A small research and list creation regarding the helpline numbers and COVID-specific facilities can help you to be prepared for any emergency.

For International Travel

There are many countries which are still not entertaining any tourists, so before making any plans do keep that in mind. Regarding business and educational travel, there might be some special protocols one has to follow. Also, the visa process might have changed a little, so one has to go through that as well.

Ask Yourself If It Is Important

Last but not the least, the biggest thing that one might have to consider is the question, which is, Is it that important? People traveling for professional reasons have to do it because of earlier commitments, but just for having a short vacation or adventure, if one is traveling, then they should reconsider.

If one is getting bored and wants to travel, how about exploring the state that they are living in, which will not only help them in knowing their state better but will also be very economical.


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